Friday, February 07, 2003

Bedlam – it is pure bedlam, and then there is next week to go!

The place where I work is moving. Next week is the last week in this building. Right now there are huge red packing crates everywhere, not to mention tons of boxes that are already packed. Today, the library is being packed and walking down the hall is rather like walking through that maze that was in the movie, The Shining. At least, a “mad” Jack Nicholson isn’t chasing me.

I have half of my “cubicle” packed, but I have to take a lot of my personal things home as they may (1) get lost, (2) get broke, (3) go to the wrong floor, etc.

I tried to get help packing the heavy file drawers because of my back and knees and was told no. I imagine this weekend, after packing some today, and next week, I will not be able to bend sideways, it will probably be “noways.”

Such fun. I love the “work world.”

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