Thursday, May 08, 2003

Speaking of Patrick Swayze

Let's Have) A Patrick Swayze Christmas
- By Crow T. Robot

12/8 time, key of A-flat major

"Open up your heart
And let the Patrick Swayze in.
We'll gather at the Road-House
With our next of kin!

And Santa can be a reg-u-lar Saturday night thing
We'll decorate a bar stool
And gather 'round and sing!


Let's have a Patrick Swayze Christ-mas this year!
Or we'll tear your throat out, and kick you in the ear!
It's my way or the highway,
This Christmas in my ba-ha-har.
I'll have to smash your knee-caps if
You bastards touch my car!

I got the word that Santa has been stealing from the till.
I think it's time that jolly old elf bet-ter make out his will!


Let's have a Patrick Swayze Christmas, one and all!

And it will be the haz-i-est!

It will be the laz-i-est!

It will be the Sway-zi-est,
Of them,

[Just bring tears to my eyes.]

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